
How to design a curved linear motion

In most cases, a linear movement takes place in a straight line between two points or in a circular movement. However, some applications require a combination of straight lines and curves in a bent motion.

When to use a curved linear motion

A curved linear movement is normally either made up of uniform curves, like a 90 or 180-degree bend along with straight stretches, or a mixture of different bends, more like a curved line. The former is often used in connection with various forms of conveyor belts that transport parts during assembly or quality control. The second variant is most often used when something needs to be transported along a straight line but where different bends are required to avoid obstacles.

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Challenges in curved movements

One of the challenges of a curved linear motion is that the slider must be able to move both in the curves and in the transition to the straight rails. For that reason, wheels or rollers are often used to guide and support the load in curved systems. Rollers do not require as smooth surfaces as recirculating ball bearings.

Tailor-made solutions

When recirculating ball bearings are used in curved linear systems, they work best for large radius curves. However, they are the best option when high load resistance, rigidity and accuracy are required.

In most cases, a curved linear motion is tailored for a particular application. Trying to build it with standard parts can be a challenge, as it many times is difficult to find parts that exactly fit the radius that comes from having a fixed standard radius.

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